About Child Sponsorship


Sponsoring a child through CEI means investing in a child's future. Sponsoring a child is the most powerful way you can fight poverty in a child’s life.  You have the opportunity to help meet their practical needs through monthly tax-deductible donations. And you meet their emotional needs through your fellowship, reminding them that someone believes in them.

Sponsors form a special relationship with a particular child. You will know their name and they will know yours. We will send you regular pictures of the child, information about their past, and updates about their life.

There will also be the opportunity for correspondence. You will receive several letters a year from your child and have the opportunity to write back.
For about $1 a day you will provide a child in need access to basic necessitates like clean water, nutritious meals, medical care and ‘the great equalizer’ Education.

What You Can Do

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