Get Involved
Partner with us by promoting CEI projects
As Child Empowerment International looks to expand into difficult areas of the world, our need to for funding increases. If your heart has been touched through hearing of our work or through your ongoing sponsorship, help us get the word out about our projects. You could do this through your church and workplace, or simply share about our work with friends, family and neighbors. Child Empowerment International can supply you with promotional material and ideas for spreading the word about the needs overseas.
Plan a Volunteer Trip
Put together a group and visit our projects in Sri Lanka or Uganda to assist with children's work, medical care or construction. We can help you organize your trip, book flights, find a place to stay and any other administrative needs you might have.
Apply for an Internship
Are you interested in experiencing hands on cross-cultural and humanitarian work overseas? Do you love working with children? Are you looking to build your resume? Consider an internship with Child Empowerment International. We can help organize an internship program to suit your individual needs and skill sets. Download Intern Application

Donate School Supplies
Donate to provide school supplies. Surveys and studies conducted globally indicate a very clear pattern that acquiring an education is key to overcoming poverty, but many schools in developing countries like Uganda, Nepal and Sri Lanka lack significant resources, making the learning environment unproductive for students. Your gift will offer teaching supplies, textbooks, toys, and sports equipment for daily operational activities.
Sponsor A Child
The most encouraged way of partnering with us is through sponsoring a child overseas. For $30 per month you can sponsor one of our children, providing a clean living environment, balanced diet, education, clothing and health care. You can make an incredible difference as you partner with Child Empowerment International, reaching out to the forgotten children of the world with love and compassion.
Contact us for more information.