Sponsor a Child

Hadia Mutunda

Hadia Mutunda

Birthday: Oct 10, 2007, 17 Years old
Gender: Female
Child Number: UG-001-040
Country of Origin: Uganda
Project: Butiki

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Hadia is an active, studious and friendly four year old girl who lives in a mud house with her parents, three sisters and five brothers. The father's household income of less than US $2 a day is insufficient to meet each family member's basic needs. Despite the escalating demands and lack of financial needs, Hadia enjoys singing local songs and playing dolls, or hide and seek with her friends. Hadia's favorite subjects are Mathematics and English because she loves her Mathematics teacher's classes and she hopes to improve her English skills respectively. Hadia admires her teachers so much and she hopes to become one as well. Your sponsorship to Hadia will help her excel.

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