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Maryann Prasangika

Maryann Prasangika

Birthday: Dec 9, 1999, 25 Years old
Gender: Female
Child Number: 203-211
Country of Origin: Sri Lanka
Project: Samudra Sri Leadership Academy

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In spite of her difficult past Prasangika has a pleasant disposition and a friendly smile. Her mother who works as a house maid is unable to maintain a steady income and does not have a stable job. Prasangika's father is an alcoholic who has been physically abusing her mother and Prasangika. Since it would have a permanent impact on her development Prasangika was brought by her aunt who is her guardian as well, to Samudra Sri Leadership Academy, CEI's home for children in need. Prasangika excels in sports activities at school. She was placed second in the 100 meters running race and first in the long jump event held at her school. Prasankgika's future goal is to become an athlete. Will you sponsor Prasangika?

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