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Nirupama Dilrukshi

Nirupama Dilrukshi

Birthday: , 2026 Years old
Gender: Female
Child Number: 203-109
Country of Origin: Sri Lanka
Project: Samudra Sri Leadership Academy

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Nirupama has a pleasant disposition and a friendly smile. Her mother is a house maid and her father is a fisherman. Both are unable to maintain a steady income and do not have a stable job. She is a very intelligent and talented girl. She has won first places at writing copy in English and speech competitions and third place at science competition. She is good in English language and gets top marks for the subject. Nirupama was positioned as first in her class and she is also the class prefect.Nirupama has a natural talent for drama and acting. Nirupama excels in Music. 

Nineteen year old Nirupama is in grade thirteen  and she is going to write her Advanced Level exam this year in commerce and economics. Her future goal is to be a bank manager .

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