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Sabana Muluya

Sabana Muluya

Birthday: Apr 5, 2006, 18 Years old
Gender: Male
Child Number: UG-001-068
Country of Origin: Uganda
Project: Wakitaka

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Sabana, a humble six years old boy, lives with his parents and three siblings. While his mother stays at home to take care of the four children, Sabana's father works as a peasant farmer earning less than US $2 a day, an income insufficient to take care of the family's financial needs. Sabana loves playing football with his friends, but dreams about going to school. With a good education, Sabana hopes to pursue a career as a medical doctor. He says that as a doctor he will be able to take care of his parents when they grow old. Sabana's parents can't afford to send him to school. Will you?

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