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Shekilu Bamaniliza

Shekilu Bamaniliza

Birthday: Jun 17, 2004, 20 Years old
Gender: Male
Child Number: UG-001-073
Country of Origin: Uganda
Project: Butiki

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Seven years old Shekilu lives with his parents and six siblings in a house made out of mud in Butiki Village, Uganda. Shekilu's mother stays at home to take care of the children, while his father works as a peasant farmer earning less than US $2 a day. Shekilu enjoys reading and tries to improve his English by reading English books. Because of his love for animals, Shekilu wants to become a veterinary and works hard to make this possible. When Shekilu is alone he likes to revise his school notes, to make himself perform even better in class. Your support can help Shekilu make his dream reality.

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